The Health Benefits of Friends

One of the most important parts of the “wheel of health” is friendships/relationships.  Relationships are like exercise for your soul.  It keeps your cup full.  If you want to reach your health goals, you must take care of the relationships in your life.

Unfortunately, friendships are not always easy -especially the close ones.  The friends who you let in to your heart are the ones that you remove the “armor” for.  You take off that protection because you trust them with your heart.  I recommend that it is important to have 2-5 very close friends..  And let each of them know that they are your chosen “heart” friend. Be the friend who “moves a body” (note: read about Brene Brown’s friends:). I’m not saying you will not be hurt - your friends are human and they WILL screw up.  But the trade off is worth it.  It could actually add years to your life (Yes! It can! Read the blue zones!)

My advice is to figure out who these “heart” friends are, and then concentrate on being a best friend to them.

Be a best friend through action…..

Call the person  who left your friend off an invite (a total oversight that was most likely not intentional- we will assume) and let the host know.  Your friend never needs to know you made that thoughtful call. 

Check in months after a loss. The masses will surround your friend in the first few weeks. Be the friend who checks in on a regular basis for the duration of the grief.

Show up during a difficult time just to give a hug. 

Talk nicely behind people’s backs.

Assume the best. Assume that your friend didn’t mean to hurt you.  

Be the friend you want your friends to be to YOU.


Meditation Practice


The Pleasure Trap