Protect Your Mindset

Every single client I have coached in my modest coaching career has determined that their mindset is the most important aspect of habit change. That focus is not determined until we dig deeper and understand what exactly it will take them to make an honest habit change. Each client begins with a focus on the obvious “health” areas of nutrition and/or movement and only a few sessions in, we add mindset as a top priority. Why? I only work with people who are making sustainable changes - no “quick” fixes. Mindful awareness is what gets everyone through the weak moments, the hard days and anything that “life” throws their way.

What is the opposite of mindful awareness? It is being tuned out, distracted or on automatic pilot. It is worrying about the future or judging the past, or analyzing possible meanings of what just happened. Mindful awareness is the natural human capacity for awareness centered in the present moment. It means paying attention on purpose and without judgement. It is being curious with an open heart and an open mind. Each of us can find our own means of being mindful, and it may change over time.


A Pantry Ready for your WFPB Life!


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