The Wheel of Health

On the first day of my program at Duke Integrative Medicine, I learned about the “Wheel of Health". It is a great visual reminder of our many layers of well being.  I always review this wheel with new coaching clients. It helps to have a visual reminder that our health is complex and can be affected by so many different areas. I love that the client is in the CENTER of the wheel. Their values, goals, and priorities help to determine their course in life.  There are seven areas of health that surround the client; here is the breakdown:

1) MINDFULNESS: We all need to pay attention to the present moment. It is like being a friend to yourself…. analyze what is happening and give thoughtful feedback, without judgement.

2) MOVEMENT & REST: Our bodies need to move to be healthy. Equally, they need to properly rest. I work with clients to develop a plan that keeps them motivated and interested (or modify a plan if boredom has set in). The goal is strength, flexibility and joy. Sleep and rest are equally important to provide the energy to accomplish all the things you set out to do.

3) NUTRITION: In my opinion, the MOST important part of the wheel. Paying attention to what you eat and drink will nourish and strengthen your body and mind. It is important to choose foods that sustain your health and fit your lifestyle.

4) PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: Assess often! Where are you - personally and professionally? Setting personal, career and life goals will support healthy behavior and choices. Periodically take a deeper look at your work-life balance, financial goals and other areas of your life.

5) PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT: Your surroundings affect your health. It is important to improve the areas where you spend the most time. For example, create spaces that support your peace of mind and joy.

6) RELATIONSHIPS AND COMMUNICATION: Are you fueled or drained by your relationships (family, friends, co-workers and/or colleagues)? Take an honest look at this area of your life and make changes or set up boundaries if needed. Positive connections and supportive relationships are so important to your health.

7) SPIRITUALITY: Do you have a sense of purpose? Religion, prayer, and spiritual connections have shown to enhance health and well-being.

8) MIND-BODY CONNECTION: Strengthen your connection between your mind and your body and you can increase healing and reduce stress (breathing techniques, meditation, etc) .


Better Nutrition = Better Brain


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